The Following Describes the Terms on which Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency Offers you Access to our Services.

The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (“PHFA” or “Agency”) is committed to maintaining the HEMAP Application Search web site("web site" or "site") so as to protect a HEMAP applicant’s right to privacy. You must have a password obtained from the Agency to access this site and only certain of your employees are authorized to use the password. If any of those employees should no longer work for you or if you change employees who are authorized to access this site, please notify us immediately and you will be issued a new password. The information that you can obtain on this web site is limited to the relevant dates concerning the application (e. g. date of the Act 91 Notice, date of the face-to-face meeting with the counseling agency, date the application was received by PHFA) and the status of the application (e.g. was it approved or rejected). The information obtained from the web site shall only be used in connection with your representation of a lender or servicer which sent the Act 91 Notice or which holds a mortgage on the applicant’s property - and for no other purpose. For security purposes, we will monitor web site traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to access the web site. Unauthorized use of this information, access by unauthorized persons, or unauthorized use of the information shall be deemed to be computer fraud and a violation of federal law. Anyone using this system expressly consents to computer activity monitoring.

In preparing this web site, every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. For example, PHFA disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors or the accuracy of the information that is contained in the Agency’s computer system that is supplied by others. The information in the Agency’s computer and correspondingly on the web site is compiled by Agency staff from a variety of sources. If the information in our computer is changed it will automatically change the information on this web site, without notice to you. You may want to check the information from time to time to see if it has changed. The Agency makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or timeliness of such information. The Agency makes no representations or warranties regarding the condition or functionality of this web site, its suitability for use or that this web site will be uninterrupted. You assume all risks associated with the use of this web site and the information contained therein. The Agency shall not in any event be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including, without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits or any expenses arising out of or in any way connected with the use or misuse of the information or lack of information on the web site.

In addition, it is important to note the following concerning the information on this web site:

  • If no search result is found, please make sure you have done the search by social security number of all know mortgagors as well as by loan number. If no record is found and you feel this is an error or an application should have been received by now, please notify PHFA by e-mail.
  • If any of the dates that appear do not seem accurate or do not progress in appropriate date order, or if you have any other questions concerning the application, please notify PHFA by e-mail. for clarification before proceeding with foreclosure.
  • At this time, this search will only search our computer data base for applications with a receipt date since January 1st, 2005. Any actions taken with respect to an application prior to January 1st, 2005 will not appear as search result.
  • If more than one application has been received for a particular applicant, the information that appears as a Search Result will be for the most recent application only.
  • Only the most recent status code and date will appear. Some applications which are approved are later rescinded and some applications that are intiially denied are later reversed. Although it may appear that the HEMAP decision was made in an untimely fashion, it may be the result of other occurences between the two dates.

Finally, if at any time, any of the dates that appear, do not seem accurate or do not progress in appropriate date order, or if you have other questions concerning the application, please notify PHFA by e-mail., before proceeding with foreclosure.